“The Tick programme continues to enjoy strong brand equity in the New Zealand market and, contrary to a recent online report in Supermarket News, is far from being a ‘swan song’,” says Deb Sue, Tick Programme Manager, Heart Foundation.
She adds: “We think that the Tick programme effectively complements the Government’s Health Star Rating system. The Health Star is available to all products, which is why the system will always have more products under it. The Tick is designed for healthier choices within food categories and has a much stronger presence on whole foods and less processed foods.”
Throughout supermarkets and food stores in New Zealand, the Heart Foundation Tick continues to be a trusted symbol for consumers. It is an easy way for Kiwi shoppers to pick out healthier choices within food categories. Meanwhile, Two Ticks helps consumers identify core foods that should make up the bulk of their shopping trolley. Two years on from the launch of Two Ticks, there are already over 100 products carrying the symbol.
“We introduced Two Ticks to better define the Tick programme’s role in signposting ‘core’ foods, as opposed to the Tick’s ‘healthier choices compared to similar products’,” explains Sue. The core food groups included in Two Ticks align with those outlined in the Ministry of Health’s Eating and Activity Guidelines for New Zealand Adults.
She adds: “To make sure Tick and Two Ticks are working well, we regularly carry out market research. In February 2016, we conducted a survey of 17,000 active members in the Tick database. It showed that 81% of respondents understand what the Tick represents and 26% what Two Ticks represents, up from 11% last year. We also found that 83% of respondents are more likely to purchase a product with the Tick or Two Ticks, rather than a similar product without these symbols (if they were the same price).”
For more information visit www.heartfoundation.org.nz