Consultation paper on food packaging

Consultation paper on food packaging

Chinese chicken and riceFood Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has released a consultation paper seeking further information on the management of the migration of chemicals from packaging into food.

FSANZ CEO Steve McCutcheon said food packaging has many benefits – it allows food to be transported, prevents microbial contamination and increases shelf life providing convenience for consumers. “That said, FSANZ would like to learn more about how the migration of chemicals from packaging into food is currently being managed by industry, particularly smaller operators,” he explained.

The consultation paper is part of a broader proposal which will help FSANZ determine whether current safety measures are appropriate or if further measures are required to manage chemical migration from packaging into food.

Cutcheon adds: “Currently, the law requires all food to be safe and suitable,” McCutcheon said. “Despite this, some stakeholders continue to have concerns about chemical migration from packaging into food, so we want to be sure it is being managed appropriately. Our preliminary work with peak food industry and packaging bodies has given us a reasonably good understanding of current usage and safety measures. The results of surveys suggest that good practices are generally being implemented.

He concludes: “However, to help us complete the picture, we are seeking further information, particularly from smaller to medium-sized businesses, about the kinds of packaging they are using and measures they have in place to ensure safety.”

The closing date for submissions is December 24. For further details about the proposal and information about making a submission, visit the FSANZ website:

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