Better Eggs® Gives a Cluck

Better Eggs® Gives a Cluck

The chicken comes first at Better Eggs®, and the SPCA agrees.

Taking on proven advice and research from overseas producers, Better Eggs® has established a production environment that prioritises hen health and well-being. These measures have earned them an SPCA certification.

Better Eggs® are laid in large, open, atrium-style barns with natural ventilation and lots of natural light. The birds can freely access a forest environment to explore and forage on natural vegetation. With more than one hundred thousand trees, rock formations, sun and shade, Better Eggs® hens get to live an egg-cellent life.

After a day of henning around, they return to their warm, dry, comfortable barns to sleep and lay their eggs. Better Eggs® hens are served their own blends of grain, custom-made according to their age and nutritional needs. 

In keeping with prioritising hen health, stringent biosecurity practices are also carried out, which include appropriate PPE, washing the wheels of vehicles before they come on the farm and changing footwear between sheds. 

While farming practices across the globe are starting to change, Better Eggs® continues to stick to their mission that they’ve held from the very start: Better animal welfare, better practices, and better futures.

No egg-ception.

For more information, contact the Better Eggs Team:

Phone: 07 883 6777

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