Saying YES to investment and growth

Saying YES to investment and growth

The Prime Minister’s state of the nation address has correctly identified many key issues holding back economic growth in New Zealand, BusinessNZ says.

BusinessNZ Chief Executive Katherine Rich says businesses around the country would agree that NZ for too long has been saying ‘no’ to investment and development.

“The result has been economic contraction and GDP growth of 0% – a sluggish economy where it’s hard for business to flourish.

“Instead of ‘no,’ businesses want to hear ‘yes’ to investment and development,” Katherine Rich said.

“Businesses will be applauding the Government’s new approach to attracting more foreign investment by streamlining the investment process and providing better support to foreign investors.

“We look forward to seeing the work of Invest New Zealand in increasing capital investment into key sectors of banking, fintech, infrastructure, manufacturing, minerals and energy.

“Changes to science and technology policies and institutions separately announced today will also support this improved focus on investment and development.

“NZ needs a thriving innovation sector better supported by NZ’s science institutions and their work, to help grow the economy.

“Businesses will be heartened by the focus on investment and growth in today’s state of the nation address.”

The BusinessNZ Network including BusinessNZ, EMA, Business Central, Business Canterbury and Business South, represents and provides services to thousands of businesses, small and large, throughout New Zealand.

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