Health Stars top 5150 products

Health Stars top 5150 products

There are now more than 5150 food products in supermarkets sporting Health Star Rating labels.

At 30 September, 2653 of them were from FGC-member companies –an increase of 155 in just the three months since June 30. The remaining 2497 were the home brands of Foodstuffs and Countdown, and non-FGC members.

The total of 5150 means more than 1000 new products have been added to the system since March 31 this year.

FGC Chief Executive Katherine Rich says the increase in the number of products with the Health Stars shows the food and beverage sector is continuing its hard work to offer consumers more choices and healthier products.

“The Government, in its response to the Food Industry Taskforce on Addressing Factors Contributing to Obesity, said it wanted the industry to continue to work on the uptake of Health Stars and reformulation to reduce saturated fats, trans-fats, free sugars and salt/sodium, and that’s exactly what’s happening.

“They acknowledged what they called the ‘significant amount of work members of the food and beverage industry have already done to address obesity’, and we will continue that work. It’s one of our top priorities for healthier options.

“Like the Government, we believe the Health Stars and reformulation will play a part in helping to reduce obesity, and we look forward to working with them and other stakeholders to create healthier food environments.”

The Health Star Rating labelling system, which is voluntary, was introduced in 2014 after testing and development by food safety officials, public health representatives, consumer groups, and the food and beverage industry on both sides of the Tasman.



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